No Yo Yo Diets

Why Diets Don't Work For You!

Program Planning | Abstinence

  • A Diet is defined as changing your food preferences for reasons of health and or weight issues.
  • An Abstinence Program is excluding all food substances and eating behaviors that may trigger the pleasure centers of your brain.

Assessment .


Normal Eater

“You may be a Normal Eater if. .. “

(Click Here To See)


Eating Disorder

“You may have a Eating Disorder if. .. “

(Click Here to See)


Food Addict

“You may be a Food Addict if. .. “

(Click Here to See)


So here is the part where you are going to have a moment of relief and realize you have found your answer: The solution to your inability to not change your eating habits in order to have a healthy body, mind and spirit.  Or, this is the part where you choose to stay in denial and go further along in your addiction until it kills you or ruins your life.

I know this might sound harsh, but I did not develop this website in order to soothe you and allow you to stay in the horrible bondage you’ve been in for so long.  It is bondage and I will give you a brief description of how it is bondage. 

In school we all learned about the Laws of Nature that govern the world we live it.  You can not dispute them because we can see how they work, and they are perceived by most as scientific fact.  Let’s take The Law of Gravity for example.  If you decide you don’t believe in this law, you can go up on your roof and jump off.  You will get hurt.  You still don’t believe it, you can go again each day and think the result will be different, but it won’t.  This law still exists every day whether you believe it or not.  You will continue to get hurt if you try to deny it; maybe even eventually it will kill you.

Now let’s talk about Food Addiction.  There are those of you who do not want to call yourself an addict.  Well, get over it!  Being an addict doesn’t mean you have to give into your addiction for the rest of your life, it just means you are one if you continue to allow the addictive substance in your life.  So in the same way Gravity is a law of nature, so is addiction in the brain of an addict.  Our “science” for you is those questions in the assessment portion of this web page.  If you answer them HONESTLY, and it puts you in the category of a Food Addict: Congratulations!  You are a food addict and We have help for you!  Your answers to those questions are your “gravity”.  That means if you continue to try diets to get freedom and health back, IT WILL NOT WORK.  You can continue to jump off that roof as many times as you want (as many more diets as you want to try), but you will continue to fail and possibly lose your life in the end as a result. Scientifically there is only one solution for a food addict, and it is called Abstinence.  Just like an alcoholic must give up drinking alcohol, but does not give up drinking water, tea, coffee, soda, juices, etc. 

Food addicts do not abstain from all foods, only the ones that cause the part of the brain that takes control over us.  The part that controls will power and cannot stick to a diet or healthy way of life for an ongoing basis.  These are called our “trigger” foods.  Trigger foods are the same as alcohol to the alcoholic.  Once you consume the trigger food (have a small cheat while on a diet or reach your goals and go back to normal foods again) The addict in you takes over and you do NOT have the willpower to say no.  The addict will once again take you back to a place of weight gain and bondage.  You can stay there, or you can join the thousands of other food addicts who are getting freedom, one day at a time. 

This is your time to choose.





No sign of abnormal eating or reactions to specific foods. If no dependency or pathology develops, this stage will continue through the person’s entire life


Education about food addiction. Ongoing checks for signs of chemical dependency. Moderation in eating, especially commonly addictive foods (sugar, caffeine, excess fat)



Problems with weight management, cycles of weight gain followed by dieting, weight loss, and weight gain again. Occasional binge eating on sugar, excess fat, or volume. Could be early stage food addiction or a normal eater unhealthy choices.


Identify addictive foods. Eliminate binge and trigger foods. Move through detoxification. This often seems extreme if negative consequences are not yet severe, the beginning of addictive denial.



Frequent binge eating and grazing. Purging or severe restriction may begin. Rationalizing before eating, guilt afterward. Could be advancing food addiction or emotional problem eater with a psychologically based eating disorder.


Participation in a food related 12 step program (Over Eaters anonymous or Grey sheets) and/or work with a food addiction counselor. Assistance with addressing blocks to physical abstinence, especially denial. Develop feeling skills, resolve trauma.



Serious consequences from overeating-morbidly obese, Type 2 diabetes, chronic depression and/or spiritual disillusionment, and eating any way. Food no longer provides comfort, escape, oblivion, etc. Loss of control, increasing tolerance.


Participation in a highly structured 12 Step program (Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, etc.) Outpatient treatment and/or workshops such as those offered by SHIFT. Abstinence as a spiritual path.



Severe consequences- hospitalization for heart attacks, suicide attempts, lost jobs or inability to work, ruined relationships, treatment and/or intestinal surgery followed by relapse, housebound or confined to nursing home.


Given the lack of any hospital-based inpatient treatment for food addiction, alternatives include Turning Point of Tampa, Milestones, Shades of Hope, SHIFT year long Living in Abstinence Program. This is sometimes insufficient

Testimonial .

  • “When I was in the food and compulsion, I knew on the one level that I could not control my eating and weight and yet on the other, I felt I should be able to. When I failed repeatedly, I would become desperate and hopeless and the feeling of being so powerless would bring me into the food again. At least there I would feel relief, even if it was short term and painful.”
    “On February 8, I will be 19 years sober from Food”. “Freedom for me came from surrendering to an abstinent food plan that had no triggers for my brain. The second thing that worked for me was to have daily support and Fellowship. The third was to engulf myself into the therapeutic approach and make the life changes necessary for me to get the personality change that needed to happen for me.”
    “It was overcoming being a victim of life, into understanding how I kept myself in the vicious cycle of my addictive mind. It was becoming humbled by my own part in my disease and learning where I could productively use my Willpower and my strengths.”
    “There is recovery for sugar and food addicts. No matter how deep you feel you’ve fallen. The recovery is often slow, but it will always happen if you work at it.”

    Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir MSc.
    Creator of The Infact School For Food Addiction
  • My lifelong battle with food addiction which for most of my life I thought was a weak mind and lack of will power led me to typically weigh between 260-360+ lbs.( at 5’10” for about 25 years) which I was never able to change despite countless $1000’s of dollars I spent on a never ending array of differing diet approaches, doctors, nutritionists, treatment programs,12 step meetings, etc. No matter what I tried I was never consistently successful. Beyond the weight it affected me deeply and I truly thought I was broken and that I’d never be able to resolve the issues. Beyond the weight it made me feel very depressed and was unbelievably hard on myself

    In 2018 at a particular low point, I unexpectedly found the right combination help from a coach and nutritionist who really understood food addiction and how to recover. They helped me to discover that I was a food addict not a weak-minded person, helped me identify what my triggering foods and behaviors were in a very thorough way, and helped me to obtain the right food and lifestyle plan which ultimately led me to find the freedom from food for the first time in my life and the weight loss that had always eluded me before. As a result of finding this approach I am naturally down over 180 lbs. from my highest weight and easily maintaining it for years now. following the adoption of this lifestyle and surrender of my trigger foods I have been able to enjoy a peaceful yet enjoyable relationship with food day after day which I could never have imagined to be possible. Food has ceased being my problem one day at a time as long as I don’t take the first bite of my trigger foods or behaviors which is absolutely possible as long as I keep my own recovery first.

    For me finding the right help that could truly coach me in the way I needed was vital for my success and if you feel you may be a food addict too, I highly recommend trying this approach with a specialized coach working with food addicts.

    Mike Fetherston
    Worth it Food Addiction Recovery Coaching, LLC
  • Hi my name is Clarissa and I’m a Food Addict. The problem was that for most of my life I didn’t know it. I just always thought that something was wrong with me or that I didn’t have enough will power when it came to how much I ate. I fought daily to control my weight and my obsessive compulsive thinking about food. In my early 20’s I struggled with one eating disorder after another and was plagued by the knowledge that no matter what I did, it was likely this problem would never go away. So everyday I ate with little or no idea how the foods I was eating affected my body or my mind and ultimately everyday I felt like a failure. I had accepted that this was just how life would always be.

    Then I was introduced to the concept of Food Addiction and it was like someone finally switched on the lights in my mind. I went to Iceland to participate in an intensive sugar detox and it was in this environment that I realized how the processed, low fat “foods” I had been eating were triggering me to over consume and why I always craved MORE. I learned about the dangers of sugar, how negatively affects all aspects of our overall health, and how it is in absolutely everything we consume today. I had been working in the field of addictions and mental health for years and the concept that certain types of foods (sugar/flour/grains) had the ability to activate the pleasure centre of the brain, exactly like drugs such as cocaine and/or heroin do, was fascinating to me. It was the key to stopping the addictive cycle.

    Today I have a SOLUTION and practical strategies to maintain that solution. I have a freedom with real food now that I never thought was possible and I am fortunate enough to get to work with others to help them find this solution too. Food is not your enemy, diets are. When you learn how and what to eat it will merely complement your life not define it.

    I have worked alongside the top addiction doctors who practice in the field of Food Addiction to develop this program. Weight loss WILL occur but most importantly my clients report that their biggest achievement from eating this way is the relief they feel when the mind chatter with food STOPS. The goal of this treatment is for you to find peace with food.

    Clarissa Kennedy

For A Free 30 Minute Assessment With A Food Addiction Professional .