Normal Eater ?

“You may be a Normal Eater if. .. ” (Check all that apply)

• You have maintained a healthy weight most of your life.
• You can stop eating when you want to.
• You do not frequently use food to numb your feelings.
• You are not often preoccupied with food, eating or weight.
• You find it easy to be specific and tell the truth about eating and food.
• You almost never binge, restrict or purge food.
• You do not obsess with exercise to control weight.
• You can diet when you gain a little too much weight.
• You lose weight from dieting, then don’t worry about food or weight.
• You enjoy and eat a wide range of foods.
• You have a healthy concern about eating too much junk food.
• You are willing to put down some favorite food completely if this will add to your health.
• The image of your body corresponds to what friends/health professional say they see.
• You can maintain healthy eating habits without trying very hard.
• You have considered yourself eating disordered or food addicted, and received a professional evaluation which
confirmed this.

Interpretation: If you did not check three or more, you are not a normal eater. Sorry.